Develop Mass Emission Factor for Military Activities using Micro-Pulse Lidar (MPL)
Research Currently being performed by:
Wangki Yuen
Micro-Pulse Lidar System
Micro-pulse lidar (MPL) is an optical based technology that is widely used to remotely sensing atmospheric aerosols, clouds, and dust. The backscattered signal from both the dust plume and the distant hard target was detected by MPL and then was used to quantify the transmittance for the dust plume. The transmittance of the plume was used to solve the lidar equation to obtain the extinction profile for that plume. In addition, MPL data for the dust plumes also provided information about plume dimension and duration. The information of transmittance, extinction profile, depth and duration for the dust plumes provided by MPL will be used to characterize the dust emission factors for unique military activities.
This project is funded by Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) under the Department of Defense. Our ORS results are presented through three publications.
ORS Publications
Du, K., Rood, M. J., Welton, E. J., Varma, R., Hashmonay, R. A., Morris, E., Kim, B. J., and Kemme, M. R. (2007) Optical Remote Sensing to Quantify Particulate Mass Emissions from Short-Term and Mobil Sources: Methodology and Examples (Part I), manuscript in preparation for Environmental Science and Technology.
Du, K., Rood, M. J., Welton, E. J., Varma, R., Hashmonay, R. A., Morris, E., Kim, B. J., and Kemme, M. R. (2007) Optical Remote Sensing to Quantify Particulate Mass Emissions from Short-Term and Mobil Sources: Field Applications (Part II), manuscript in preparation for Environmental Science and Technology.
Varma, R., Hashmonay, R. A., Du, K., Rood, M. J., Kim, B. J., and Kemme, M. R. (2006) A Novel Methodology for Fugitive Dust Emission Estimation using Optical Remote Sensing. (In Y. J. Kim & U. Platt (Eds.), Advanced Environmental Monitoring. Springer-Verlag GmbH), 143-154. |